Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Wed night

We had a good day today.

We had dinner at Grandmas house and Lm ended up eating 3 chicken nuggets. It took quite a while, and a lot of coaxing and convincing to get the last one in, but he did it. He drank a good amount of milk and wanted more milk, so I bargained with him and w/ each bite (to finish up the chicken) he got a drink of milk- it actually worked out pretty well. He also ate 2 tater tots. 2 gogurts before bed, and I inclined his bed... we'll see how the night and morning goes.
I did decide to call the Peds GI today to ask about possibly adding in an H2 blocker or carafate or something since IMO his reflux is now to the point where it IS effecting his eating

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