Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Tuesday 1/13/09

Lm had preschool today. He was coughing again last night and in my bed, though I didn't do a night feed and he seemed to not be as uncomfortable last night.
He was up at 7ish this morning and got a tube feed for 'breakfast', his snack at school was goldfish, a string cheese, 5 club crackers, and one can of Carnation instant breakfast juice. Of that offered he ate the 5 club crackers. When I picked him up from school I 'made' him drink the juice can in the car on the way home.
Shortly after getting home we all had lunch. Minced up chicken w/ mayo (which he LOVES) and of course he refused it. I didn't expect him to eat much since he drank the juice, but I didn't expect him to havea couple bites. He FLIPPED out, "My tummy's full, I dont want to eat!"
Upon advise of the OT we told him that he does NOT have to eat, but that we would like him to sit at the table with us, smell it, cut it up and lick it. He said that he wouldn't lick it, and that he couldn't cut it up because it would get on his fingers.
He sat at the table and smelled it. I coaxed him to open up the bread and smell it, and he kind of did. I let him pick out a plastic knife and he did 'try' to cut it up but it didnt work out too well since he would only touch it with one finger, so it was sliding all over the place. He did try though, so I'm glad of that.
About 1 hour later, before nap time I offered him a tortilla and he was excited to eat one. (Just 1/2 a tortilla w/ melted cheese on it) he ate the entire 1/2 and 4 ounces of 'vitamin' milk.

Up from his nap, fast forward to dinner time.

" Come on lm, it's time for dinner "
"what are we having?"
" I don't like stew"
" yes you do"
"No I don't"
Should I have forced him IDK???????!!!!!!!
"YOU may have spaghetti o's or a sandwich"
"spaghetti o's"
Offered 1/2 cup spaghetti o's
He ate 3/4 of it~so 3/8 cup :( MUCH less than he would normally eat. I dont usually measure, but he LOVES spaghetti o's and he'll usually eat at least 1/2 a cup, usually ask for more.
Now, I probably would have made him at least take a couple bites, BUT I do legitimatly feel that he is having tummy pain related to refulx, and I just don't feel comfortable pushing him when he might have a good reason for not wanting to eat.
He also drank 4 ounces of milk.
Before going to bed I will offer a frozen gogurt, if luck he might eat 2-3, but probably just one

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