Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sunday 1/18

What a day!!
So breakfast- I think little man ate the most he has EVER eaten for breakfast, yes, there was one BIG fit, but he got thru it. I should say WE got thru it.
1 scrambled egg and 1 slice of toast. The egg is a normal thing for him, but not the toast, especially not a whole slice. He polished off the egg first and then got workin on the toast. About 1/2 way thru the toast he started with the'my tummy's full' and crying and screaming when we told him he had to eat it.
Dh hasn't been home much and Ihave been doing most of the feeding things- and instead of staying positive he argued w/ him- not good. So it took longer to calm him down, but once he calmed down he asked me to feed him. I compromised and told him that I would cut it up for him, then he finished it. His new thing is to tell me to 'touch my tummy' because it's full, so I always touch his tummy and tell him that I think that there is still a little bit of room left!
Lunch went well, he (w/o complaint) ate 1/4 a pb&j and one jello jiggler star. Not a lot of food, but we were having a birthday party and I gave him a break. He didn't have any cake, which I wish he would have at least tried, but I didn't have the time or energy to fight him. Dinner was a success! We were out and he got one small slice of cheese pizza. As usual about 1/2 way thru it he declares that he is full, but I told him "No, you need to finish your pizza"... and what did he say..???????????????" OK MOM!" and finished it!!!!!

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