Monday, January 12, 2009

Bug, reflux, what?

IDK if little man had a bug last week, or a bad refulx week or what, but I do know that he quit eating and drinking and when I pushed (not a lot, even just 1/2 of what he would 'normally' drink) he would vomit. Again, I do NOT feel this as behavioral because of his attitude. For example- he was SO happy and proud of himself that he drank his milk and put the cup in the sick excited and then ran to me retching, which ended up in vomiting. That to me is NOT behavioral because he wasn't fighting it or not wanting to drink it... he WAS having a hard time getting it all down, but he wanted to and was trying so hard.

Another thing I am wondering is if any of his medicaions have side effects that make him nauseous or not want to eat. He is on about a dozen different medications between heart meds, GI meds and allergy meds

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