Saturday, January 31, 2009

Up and down

I SO don't get it.
Here is what LM ate yesterday
3 bites of oatmeal for breakfast, 5 bites of mac and cheese for lunch, 1/4 cup cashews (yay), 1 bite of a cookie, 3 bites of pizza and 1/2 a sliced pickle for dinner..... maybe 2 cups of popcorn (at a movie)
that's IT! and he did NOT get a bolus yesterday morning.

So he gets up this morning around 8 and I give him a 6 ish ounce bolus of formula, and 1 1/2 hours later we have breakfast (which I do not expect him to eat, having just had a bolus) and he ate an entire scrambled egg w/ 1/2 a cup up hotdog in it, and 6 ounces of whole milk! See what I mean, KNOW he CAN eat..... but why does he not eat some days?? so frustrating!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Nights are getting better

So restricting eating in the evening seems to be helping a lot (between that and the additional H2 blocker before bed), he is FINALLY sleeping thru the night again, and not up coughing all night!
Now we just have to try to get as many calories as we can in in the mornings and afternoon.
Little man actually ate 1/2 a packet of oatmeal yesterday morning at 7:30 which is VERY early for him. He usually won't eat breakfast until after 10~which we can't do when he goes to school, since he has be there at 8:30.

He is doing great drinking whole milk (that is not fotified). The hardest part right now is that he is asking to eat before bed, and when you've wanted a kid to eat for the last 3 1/2 years, it's hard (and confusing to them) to tell them they can't get. Hopefully slowly but surely he'll be able to transision to wanting to eat more earlier in the day. I am wondering if not eating before bed is helping him to really feel the hungar early in the morning when he wakes up.
He is picking back up on his eating, still using the '2 bites' rule, which is going well, and trying to get lots of high calorie snacks in throughout the day.
The OT called and said that he is next in line on the wait list. While I am still on the fence on weather or not therapy will benefit him, or weather it is necessary- I do want to do the eval, then we'll go from there.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sunday 1/18

What a day!!
So breakfast- I think little man ate the most he has EVER eaten for breakfast, yes, there was one BIG fit, but he got thru it. I should say WE got thru it.
1 scrambled egg and 1 slice of toast. The egg is a normal thing for him, but not the toast, especially not a whole slice. He polished off the egg first and then got workin on the toast. About 1/2 way thru the toast he started with the'my tummy's full' and crying and screaming when we told him he had to eat it.
Dh hasn't been home much and Ihave been doing most of the feeding things- and instead of staying positive he argued w/ him- not good. So it took longer to calm him down, but once he calmed down he asked me to feed him. I compromised and told him that I would cut it up for him, then he finished it. His new thing is to tell me to 'touch my tummy' because it's full, so I always touch his tummy and tell him that I think that there is still a little bit of room left!
Lunch went well, he (w/o complaint) ate 1/4 a pb&j and one jello jiggler star. Not a lot of food, but we were having a birthday party and I gave him a break. He didn't have any cake, which I wish he would have at least tried, but I didn't have the time or energy to fight him. Dinner was a success! We were out and he got one small slice of cheese pizza. As usual about 1/2 way thru it he declares that he is full, but I told him "No, you need to finish your pizza"... and what did he say..???????????????" OK MOM!" and finished it!!!!!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Saturday 1/17/09

Things are definatly improving. Zantac?? Maybe! He is sleeping a bit better at night, and not coughing in the morning~nice! I hope that he can sleep more soundly w/ less gaging, though I know we haven't reached the full effects of the zantac yet.
Eating is going well. We had one huge tantrum today, but I think I handled it well. Breakfast was almost 1 packet of oatmeal- which is really a lot for little man. Lumch was spaghetti o's (I didn't make him eat unfavorable bites for either meal, but I did chose what he was eating and he ate it). After the spaghetti o's I offered a banana and he wanted it. There was maybe 3 bites left and he got upset about something- I think he was arguing with his sister and I told them to stop and he got upset. So he said the whole "my tummy's full!" and threw a huge fit for a good 10+ minutes. I tried my hardest to ignore him and once he calmed down he wanted me to 'touch his tummy' to prove he was full. I touched his tummy and told him that I though that there was a little bit of room left in there for a few bites of banana. He then finished the banana-YAY, this is HUGE, no gaging or retching, he just did it!! Praise praise praise :) He got to get a sticker out of the sticker bucket and he was very pleased.
He had some snacks at Grandma's house, and then for dinner we went out to Chinese. I wasn't sure if I was going to challenge him or not since we were at a restaurant and didnt want a scene... I told him before our food came out that he would be eating his 2 bites of whateven Mommy choses and he said OK MOMMY! Food came and he ate 2 bites of fried rice~normally something he would NOT eat, TWO BITES with NO COMPLAINING! He they got to eat his noodles ( they have this yummy chicken and noodle bowl and he loves the soup and noodles) and had like 4 helpings!!!!
I am going to take things slow, we are doing well with the 2 bites and I do not plan on increasing the # of bites soon, but I will slowly increase the bite sizes and what the bite is. Right now I'm not going to extreme about what is 'non prefered' bite is, but I am challenging him a bit, we'll slowly get more daring.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Today~preschool this morning. Granola bar this morning, took him a while at home, on the way to school and the last bite as I was leaving him at school..... be hey, he did it.
Snack- I sent 1 resource breeze juice box, 6 club crackers, 1 small banana, 1 gogurt. He ate the entire small banana and the gogurt, doesn't like the juice and I'm having a really hard time getting him to drink it~not a battle I really want to fight- I dont think it tastes good, so I'm having a hard time wanting to force him to drink it.
Lunch- 1/4 pb&j, 3 apple slices and 2 crackers, 4 ounces of milk- one of the best meals he has had in a while. Dinner- 1 bite of ground beef, 1 bite bean, 1/4 c spaghetti o's, 4 ounces milk. Snack 3 hours later- some crackers and 2 frozen gogurts
All in all it was a pretty good eating day. We did have some moderate refusal w/ the granola bar and at lunch, but I stuck to my guns.... I hope it gets easier!
Talked to Lm's GI today and we are going to add in Zantac before bed to help with possible breakthru reflux pain in the night. We'll have 6 nights to work on this before his GI appt next week.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Wed night

We had a good day today.

We had dinner at Grandmas house and Lm ended up eating 3 chicken nuggets. It took quite a while, and a lot of coaxing and convincing to get the last one in, but he did it. He drank a good amount of milk and wanted more milk, so I bargained with him and w/ each bite (to finish up the chicken) he got a drink of milk- it actually worked out pretty well. He also ate 2 tater tots. 2 gogurts before bed, and I inclined his bed... we'll see how the night and morning goes.
I did decide to call the Peds GI today to ask about possibly adding in an H2 blocker or carafate or something since IMO his reflux is now to the point where it IS effecting his eating

Wednesday 1/14

So far so good. Lm had a good night last night, but woke up coughing a lot this morning. He tells us 'there are yuckies in my neck, they hurt', again leads me to believe his reflux is NOT under control right now. He goes in to see the GI in a week, so hopefully he can help. We have never raised the head of his bed before (as his reflux has always been under control before) so that is something that we need to do ASAP.
So up around 7:30 and around 8 I gave him a granola bar and 4 ounces of milk- which he DID eat, WILLINGLY. I know that's not much, but between the 2 it's a good 250 calories, and HUGE that he's WILLING (and not fighting it) to eat this early in the morning.
We had a big streach between breakfast and lunch and I think it paid off. Around 12:20 we had lunch. We had Chili leftovers and lm does not like chili. I told him even before we got home that he will be expected to eat ONE bite (definatly emphasizing the ONE) and that he could then have his spaghetti o's. I probably reminded him 4 times within 30 minutes of getting home for lunch. We sat down for lunch and he ate ONE bite of MEAT from the chili (I think this is a FIRST for this texture/kind of meat- ground beef) AND he ate ONE BEAN!! He used to love beans so this isn't as big, but all in all, still HUGE that he DID IT w/o complaining!
He then had about 1/4 c spaghetti o's w/ gold fish in them, and 4 oz of whole milk :) Definatly a good lunch and the best he has eaten in quite a while. Still far from his 'normal', but good.

What does a 'normal' almost 4 year old eat?

The more I think about it (and talk to little man's OT) he DOES eat a good VARIETY of foods. No meat, but other foods he does eat a good selection, I guess it just doesn't seem like it to me because 1)it's not consistent or enough and 2) when you have an older child that DID and DOES eat almost anything it's hard to know what a 'typical' 4 year old eats!
Quantitiy, I do know is not enough (his younger sib already eats more than him!) but variety, I THINK is good

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

If not a night feed

How do I balance using his tube so he can GROW and give him time to get hungry?? He's not to the point yet where he can be tube free and gain weight... but night feeds aren't working well. I'm wondering if maybe some carafate at night so that he can comfortable get a night feed... hummm...

Tuesday 1/13/09

Lm had preschool today. He was coughing again last night and in my bed, though I didn't do a night feed and he seemed to not be as uncomfortable last night.
He was up at 7ish this morning and got a tube feed for 'breakfast', his snack at school was goldfish, a string cheese, 5 club crackers, and one can of Carnation instant breakfast juice. Of that offered he ate the 5 club crackers. When I picked him up from school I 'made' him drink the juice can in the car on the way home.
Shortly after getting home we all had lunch. Minced up chicken w/ mayo (which he LOVES) and of course he refused it. I didn't expect him to eat much since he drank the juice, but I didn't expect him to havea couple bites. He FLIPPED out, "My tummy's full, I dont want to eat!"
Upon advise of the OT we told him that he does NOT have to eat, but that we would like him to sit at the table with us, smell it, cut it up and lick it. He said that he wouldn't lick it, and that he couldn't cut it up because it would get on his fingers.
He sat at the table and smelled it. I coaxed him to open up the bread and smell it, and he kind of did. I let him pick out a plastic knife and he did 'try' to cut it up but it didnt work out too well since he would only touch it with one finger, so it was sliding all over the place. He did try though, so I'm glad of that.
About 1 hour later, before nap time I offered him a tortilla and he was excited to eat one. (Just 1/2 a tortilla w/ melted cheese on it) he ate the entire 1/2 and 4 ounces of 'vitamin' milk.

Up from his nap, fast forward to dinner time.

" Come on lm, it's time for dinner "
"what are we having?"
" I don't like stew"
" yes you do"
"No I don't"
Should I have forced him IDK???????!!!!!!!
"YOU may have spaghetti o's or a sandwich"
"spaghetti o's"
Offered 1/2 cup spaghetti o's
He ate 3/4 of it~so 3/8 cup :( MUCH less than he would normally eat. I dont usually measure, but he LOVES spaghetti o's and he'll usually eat at least 1/2 a cup, usually ask for more.
Now, I probably would have made him at least take a couple bites, BUT I do legitimatly feel that he is having tummy pain related to refulx, and I just don't feel comfortable pushing him when he might have a good reason for not wanting to eat.
He also drank 4 ounces of milk.
Before going to bed I will offer a frozen gogurt, if luck he might eat 2-3, but probably just one

Monday, January 12, 2009

Bug, reflux, what?

IDK if little man had a bug last week, or a bad refulx week or what, but I do know that he quit eating and drinking and when I pushed (not a lot, even just 1/2 of what he would 'normally' drink) he would vomit. Again, I do NOT feel this as behavioral because of his attitude. For example- he was SO happy and proud of himself that he drank his milk and put the cup in the sick excited and then ran to me retching, which ended up in vomiting. That to me is NOT behavioral because he wasn't fighting it or not wanting to drink it... he WAS having a hard time getting it all down, but he wanted to and was trying so hard.

Another thing I am wondering is if any of his medicaions have side effects that make him nauseous or not want to eat. He is on about a dozen different medications between heart meds, GI meds and allergy meds

Wake up call

A couple months ago I had a little wake up call.

I had been pushing my son to eat eat eat, encouraging him that 'big boys eat, they don't use their tubes' and at the time that seemed like a good encouraging thing to say.
That was until we had our monthly GI appointment and he lost weight and the Dr had to remind me that 'the tube is there, ues it!'
But then I go to use it, and it breaks my son's heart because "I'm a big boy, are you putting milk in there because I'm not eating good?" Well really, yes, but I can't blame him that he just can't take in enough yet.
He is almost 4.... and very very smart. I have been able to convince him that it's okay if I need to put milk in his tube, it's so he can get 'bigger' not because he's being bad and not eating. Now when he goes ona food strike, HE tells ME "I dont want it, just put it in my tube!" so he gets it... maybe he gets it a little TOO much!

I am on the fence on weather this is all behavioral or not. I do definatly think that part of it is behavioral, that is for sure. He has been spoiled, I'll admit that. When you have a child that was so sick that you didn't even know if they would make it, and that you dont want to let cry because it strains his heart... it's hard not to spoil. Not just in feeding, but we have seen some minor behavioral issues in other aspects of his life, I mean he is a 3 year old.
Another part of me thinks that part of it is not behavioral because HE wants to be off his tube, he doesn't want to have his tube and knows that other kids don't have tubes. He wants to eat, he'll get excited for a meal, help prep it, but then just can't seem to eat it. We've bribed, begged, and just downright demanded, we've gotten some little steps, but nothing long lasting.
Any yet another angel is that he IS refluxing. He had an upper GI in March of 2008 and it did show after he drank that stuff was coming back up, his fundo is still intact, but obviously loosened. You also have to take into consideration that being in congestive heart failure, the 'least important organ' is the colon so things do not always work the best in his GI tract.
So I do NOT want to make excuses for him, but this isn't just a cut and dry 'healthy' kid that purly has behavioral issues and needs to be forced to eat.

We have tried the bribe- 'take one bite and then I'll give you an m&m'
' eat this or you can't have your lovie'
we have tried the- 'you are going to sit here until you eat it' and while that does eventually work, I can't (and dont want to ) spend 2 hours eating each meal everyday, that just IMO isn't the way to do it, and 1/2 the times it has ended up in vomit

My little man

So My little guy is almost 4 years old. He was born with a severe heart condition that caused him to be too weak to eat. He got his first tube (NG) at 3 months old, and within days it ws changed to NJ because he was refulxing and vomiting so much.
He took NPO (means no food by mouth, that includes formula, water NOTHING) from 3-10 or so months. Around 10 months he finally learned to take a bottle, but just water.

He got his Gtube and a nissen fundoplication done at 6 months old

Fast forward to now.

He has been in Speech/Feeding thearpy since 9 months old. We have come SO far, from gagging and not eating anything, to drinking milk and juice, eating purees, foods, worked through pocketing and many things.

He now eats a good variety of foods, but not meat. He will eat lunch meats, cubed ham, chicken nuggest, and occasionally chicken (like off a chicken leg). His favorites include ramen noodles, frozen gogurts, hot dogs and bologna... french fries, potato chips, canned veggies- green beans, CREAMED corn, cooked carrots, apples... He will occasionally eat pizza.

Our current biggest struggles include- WEIGHT- getting him to GROW. This balance of enough formula/calories to grow, but little enough to make sure he's hungry=so hard!

Is it sad what I titled this?

Maybe it is... but that's how I feel, so that's what I titled it. He's my little food hater, what else can I say? I stupidly asked him the other day if he would be happy if he never had to eat again and his face lit up and he said "YES!"

So welcome to my new blog. I wanted to start blogging publically about our feeding issues. I know how good it feels to be able to related to others that truly understand, and I wanted to put this out there so that others that are going thru similar things can know they are not alone, see some things that we have went through.... and just RELATE.